I died last night

Have you ever had one of those dreams where you’re falling. The fall takes on a journey of its own, lasts forever. And really the part you always miss is the end and it makes you wonder. What HAPPENS at the end?

Let me start off here with saying that I am a vivid dreamer. One of those people that dream in Technicolor in an amount of detail that is sometimes scary.   

So I died last night. Of course not really but I had that dream. And it ended. Sort of.

The dream started off innocent enough. A friend and I were out for a ride in a car. I don’t remember the friend, which is interesting but probably not worth investigating, but I do remember the car. I’m the passenger in a silver, two-seat convertible with the radio blaring. No, I don’t remember the song playing, which is a shame. I could venture a guess here what song it was but in the end (pun intended), who really has a “favorite” song? Anyway, we were driving along a coastal highway (I can assume here it’s in Big Sur. I love that area) and we’re going at a pretty good clip. The driver and I were happily speeding around corners.

Well of course the idiot driver (probably why I don’t remember them) loses it and we crash through the barrier and begin what I expected to be the long hurtle … down… to … <wake up>.

But it didn’t end that way. In fact, it didn’t end this time.

The fall itself took what I would think the normal amount of time to garner enough speed to do the deed and then we actually hit the bottom.

I don’t remember pain. Or even an “ending” really. It was as if I were immediately going from one state to another. Like an explosion. Think if all of your energy were all bound up in a tightly wound ball. Like the inside of a baseball. And suddenly that cover was gone and all that pent up energy was released. Like a glitter bomb explosion. And each one of those beautiful points of glitter were energy remnants of what would have been past dreams, forgotten memories, unspent energy possibly from youth or maybe that last dying breath. All of these energies of YOU, flying out to join the universe in some other great dance of life.

The Law of Conservation of Energy, states that energy can neither be created nor destroyed. If that’s true than maybe we really are just “re-invented” energies from the beginning of time, focused during our lifetimes to view the whole as we can only see it, and then let go again to join some other cosmic purpose.

Perhaps. But remember, it was only my dream.